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First service @ 8:30 AM
Second service @ 10:00 AM
Third service @ 11:30 AM
Kiddos can sit with you or attend an option just for them at either service (see below).
You can come as you are in comfortable clothing.
Find out more by clicking “What to Expect” in the menu.
We have kids options available during all 3 services, including a background-checked staff to look after babies and toddlers, and a fun separate worship experience for elementary-age children called Kids First. We also have a cry room in the back of our sanctuary with toys, comfy chairs, service audio, and private nursing stations.






Our 10AM & 11:30AM service have a special option for Middle School (4th-6th grade).

Click the “What to Expect” tab to learn more about our kids check-in process. 
If you want to keep your kiddos in the main service with you, that’s totally fine! 
We have folders available with coloring sheets and kids sermon notes as well.
We will never be upset about a child crying or running around, in fact we thank God for those sounds because it means our church has a future!
Make check-in much quicker and easier on your family by pre-registering your family.
Bluff First Youth – Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
For 6th – 12th Grade Students
Middle School (4th-6th) Sundays @ 10AM + 11:30AM






Our teenagers have a fun option just for them on Wednesday Nights with games, live music, teaching, and small group discussions. 

They are active in our church and active together, with multiple trips and opportunities for them to make memories and learn about Jesus.

Check out Bluff First Youth on Facebook:


We believe that life change happens through relationships
Our small groups are free-market (almost anything you enjoy can be a small group!) and temporary (most groups last a couple months, making it easy to try new things and meet new people).
Our groups meet at all different locations and times throughout the week and mostly function in short “semesters.” 
Eventually you might be ready to call Bluff First “home” and be ready to step up and use your gifts to serve others. The Growth Track is here to help!
This 3 week class, offered a few times throughout the year, is designed to answer more of your questions about the church, help you discover how your unique gifts align with our mission and opportunities, and then help you find a team to begin serving on. Free childcare provided.

Sign up for more info about the next Growth Track by clicking the link below:


Embrace Grace is a ministry to pregnant, single moms in our community. This small group teaches ladies their worth in Christ and gives them a sense of community in a time they might feel alone. We’ve had two graduating classes already and have seen lives drastically changed. 
If you are interested in the program click here.
Palm Sunday   |  March 24th
Easter Weekend   |  Saturday March 30th – Family-Style Service (kids join adults) 10AM
                              Sunday March 31st – 8:30AM + 10:00AM + 11:30AM
Our church pays for YOU to have access to thousands of Bible study videos, conference sessions, and faith-based kids content! 

Just click
here to get free access or text Bluff to 49775.
Fill out our Connect Card to take next steps!